[Webinars Diota AppFactory]



Pensée pour optimiser plus que jamais création de valeur et maîtrise des coûts pour les déploiements industriels d'applications d'optimisation des processus par la continuité numérique, Diota AppFactory vous permettra de :

  Capitaliser sur une expertise industrielle éprouvée  
  Exploiter efficacement la donnée industrielle    
  Accélérer la création d'applications métiers spécifiques   
 Supporter le déploiement optimal des solutions   
Comment ? Quels business cases et potentiel ? Quels avantages ? Découvrez sans tarder Diota AppFactory au travers de notre série webinars dédiée.

Diota AppFactory | Introduction générale

 Quels sont les apps, actifs et outils de la Diota AppFactory ?
 Que permet-elle concrètement ?

 Quels bénéfices à court, moyen, long terme ?
 Quelles modalités ?



Diota AppFactory | Atelier Module Customization

 Comment adapter une App avec un Module spécifique avec Diota AppBuilder ?



Diota AppFactory | Atelier Data Services

 Quels outils et services Data pour des intégrations fortes aux SI ?
 Comment optimiser la traçabilité avec les services Analytics ?
 Comment créer une App de type "Data Services" avec Diota AppBuilder ?



During his career, Tangi MEYER led multiple R&D projects and teams for ANR, FP7 and ESA research activities for startups and R&T companies. Before joining Diota, he managed consulting and business development in France for the IC.IDO solution from ESI. His expertise covers Augmented and Virtual Reality systems and their industrial applications. At Diota, he is responsible for products management and strategy.

Arnaud MYON
Arnaud Myon is an Engineer from ENSAM (2007) with a Research Master in VR (2007) and a specialization in Numerical simulation, VR, 3D and PLM (2008). After working for several years on large DMU processing for industry, he participated in an AR project at Airbus with a focus on data preparation. Joining Diota in 2016 as a project manager, he accompanied industrial companies in the adoption of 4.0 technologies through Diota's solutions. He is currently a member of the product team, focusing especially on a highly industry-specialized framework facilitating the customization, integration and large scale deployment of digital continuity solutions through enhanced collaboration.

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